TS SSC Hall Tickets 2023-2024: The Board of Secondary Education, Telangana has scheduled to release the hall tickets for 10th class exams soon. Candidates belonging to the 10th class can get their hall tickets downloaded at the official website bse.telangana.gov.in.
Below we have given the important details regarding the examination and procedure to download the hall ticket.
Important Information about TS SSC Hall Tickets 2023-2024
Education Officer Smt. B. Venkata Narasamma announced that the one-minute late rule would not pertain to the exam this year. Students will be allowed to seem for the exam if they are late by 5 minutes. At the same time, the Directorate has advised students to attain the center 45 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
The students will be provided with various question paper sets. As per the news, the student must follow the question paper set allocated to them, if not their candidature will be discontinued. The student will be disqualified if they seem in an exam center.
TS SSC Hall Tickets 2023-2024 (TS 10th Class Hall Ticket at bse.telangana.gov.in)
The SSC examinations for the academic year 2023-2024 are expected to be scheduled in the month of March to April 2024.
The Board of Secondary Education is will release the hall tickets every year. The hall tickets for the 10th exam in Telangana are expected to be released in the month of February 2024.
So, the candidates are advised to visit this website frequently to get the latest updates on the 10th Hall Tickets.
How to Download the TS 10th Class Hall Ticket 2023-24?
- The Hall tickets are available at two websites
- Official website of BSE Telangana &
- Manabadi Website
- Visit the official website (CLICK HERE)
- On the left side of the page, under “QUICK LINKS“, you will find the link “SSC Hall Tickets March/April-2024 Regular“
- Click on that link
- A new page will be opened and asking to enter your “Roll Number“
- Enter your details and click on the “Submit” button
- Your hall ticket will be downloaded
- Make sure your hall ticket will be signed with your principal after downloading
Details Printed on TS SSC Hall Ticket 2023-2024:
- Your Roll Number
- Type of the Exam: Regular/Supplementary
- Candidate’s Name
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- District
- Name of the School
- Examination Center’s Name
- Address of the Exam Center
- Identification Marks of the Candidate
- Time Table
- Instructions at the backside
TS 10th Class Time Table March/April 2024
TS SSC Time Table 2024: The board of the council of Government Examinations of Telangana state will soon release the timetable for TS 10th class for SSC, OSSC, and SSC Vocational Public Examinations for the academic year 2023-2024.
The detailed schedule will be released in the month of January 2024 (tentative):
- The examination will be held between 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM or 12:45 PM.
Date of the Exam (Tentative) | Subject |
18-03-2024 | 1st Language Paper-1 (Group A) 1st Language Paper-1 (Composite Course) |
18-03-2024 | 1st Language Paper-2 (Group A) 1st Language Paper-2 (Composite Course) |
19-03-2024 | Second Language |
21-03-2024 | English |
23-03-2024 | Mathematics |
26-03-2024 | General Science (Paper-1) – Physics |
28-03-2024 | General Science (Paper-2) – Biology |
30-03-2024 | Social Studies |
01-04-2024 | OSSC Main Language (Paper-1), SSC Vocational Course Theory |
02-04-2024 | OSSC Main Language (Paper-2) |
The Telangana SSC board results for the year 2024 are expected to be released in second or third week of May 2024.
Tips to the Candidates:
- If your hall ticket missed, you can download it from www.manabadi.co.in or www.bse.telangana.gov.in.
- Students should not maintain any textbook/notebook/Mobile with them during the exam.
- Candidates will not be allowed after 9.35 am into the hall.
- It’s advisable to attend the exam center one day in Advance.
- Learners carry their own Pen, Pencil, Writing Pad with their Hall receipts
Telangana Board of Secondary Education will administer the SSC Board Exam for Regular as well as for personal competitors in March/April 2022. Download your TS SSC Hall Tickets from the Official website bse.telangana.gov.in.
The administrator of the related university should affirm the 10th hall tickets downloaded from the authorized website, and the recent copy of the signature hall ticket should be held up to the assessment center and to be indicated to the invigilator before going to the exam center.
How to get TS 10th class Duplicate Hall Ticket 2023
If in case the student misses his/her hall ticket, there is another alternative way for them. The candidate can download a duplicate hall ticket from the official website of BSE Telangana i.e., www.bse.telangana.gov.in. Follow the method below to download the duplicate hall ticket.
Instructions to the Candidates
- The candidate should go through the time table and the instructions before attending the exam.
- Candidates are instructed to attend the exam center 1 or 2 days before the commencement of the exam to understand the area of the center and vehicle facilities accessible to attain the center.
- Candidate should ascertain the instructions published in the hall ticket and give rise to the heed of the forwarding school’s Headmaster and the Chief Superintendent of the center.
- The candidate should attend the exam center by 9:00 AM on all days.
- A student who involves in malpractices during the exam will not be authorized to compose successive sheets.
- Candidate (Regular/Private) should conserve this TS SSC Hall Ticket for any additional future similarity.
- Wherever the picture is not printed, or manually composed hall receipt is earned, the H.M. has to fasten the impression of the competitor under his or her attestation duly affixing the school seal.
- Please don’t write Roll Number on any page of Main Answer book, Additional answer book, Map, Graph Sheet and Bit Paper. He/she should write the main answer booklet serial number on Graph sheet, map, and Bit Paper.
- All the students must occur for the exam at the center allocated only. If not, their performance will be discontinued unconditionally.
Things you should know before going to the Exam:
- Check if all of your elements in the Hall ticket are valid.
- Get on to the Examination center a day before the date of the exam to evolve skeptical of the spot.
- On the date of the exam, be there in the center at least 1 hour prior to assure that you will be on time to pursue the review.
- Make sure to have the TS SSC Hall Ticket and all additional compelled equipment for the exam.
Things you must carry to the Exam Hall
- First of all, remember to hold up the exam hall ticket as it helps like your admission identity, which authorizes you to seem for the exam.
- Give rise to your water bottle on the day of the exam; you may not be enabled to get on for drinking water.
- Keep carrying the paper box with the additional items to enable you when your pen completes off or in any other difficulty.
- Try to bring additional crucial papers like government ID, aadhar card, school identity, etc.
Things not to Carry with yourselves
- Do not take electronic appliances, mobile phones, etc. in the examination hall as the council precisely restricts these items.
- Candidate should not put up with calculators while seeming for any statistical exams until the committee authorizes it.
- Know to test your bags and envelopes packet and assure yourselves that you do not hold up any additional sheet along with you. If you establish guilty, your exam will be disqualified.
- We wish that our manuscript was useful to you, conserve continual touch with us to understand the current revises about the exam. We need to the nicest for your examination and practices, we wish you all will score satisfactorily.
About TSBIE:
The Telangana Board of Secondary Education is a board of Government conducting primary as well as minor important public exams in India. The Telangana Board of Secondary Education was formed in June 2014.
Since 2014 this government board of education in Telangana has been serving people well by conducting several government examinations. The board of council has helped the students for a long time getting government jobs and making their dreams come true by letting them choose their most suitable occupation.
The Directorate of Government Examinations is an independent board of council functioning under the Ministry of Secondary Education, Government of Telangana. The Directorate of Government Examinations department is responsible for conducting various public exams like SSC and OSSC.
Major Examinations:
Some other significant examinations include DGE’s Office conducting SSC/OSSC twice a year. 12.15 lakh students appeared for this exam, and 3.34 lakh students sat for Advanced Supplementary Examination in the year 2014.