10 Best Interview Tips to crack the Job in the 1st attempt


10 Best Interview Tips to Crack the Job in the First Attempt:

Is this your first interview? or

Are you trying for the fourth or fifth time?

Are you nervous?

It is normal to be. Fret not, here are the 10 best interview tips for you to follow to crack the next interview and bag the job!

Keep Reading!

1. Research on the Company:

Research on the company or the organization you are looking to be a part of. Thoroughly research on the company or the organization so that you know what you are getting yourself into.

Check the company’s website, ask about any queries you have in your contacts or on public forums where people who have worked there before or are still working can clarify things for you.

2. Study Interview Questions:

Study Interview Questions and prepare your answers beforehand. This makes sure you don’t falter in any of the questions asked and shows that you have prepared beforehand. Compile certain common interview questions that you know will be asked and prepare your responses.

Memorizing answers will not do you any good; it’s best to ask someone to act as if he’s interviewing you and you answer accordingly. This way it will play in your head like a scene, and it will be easier to remember the answers and develop talking points.

3. Be Confident:

Make sure that your answers are constructed in such a way that they show off your experiences, skills and how you befit the job.

Be confident in your answers and answer honestly. Not just answer, but you should also sometime ask questions in between to show your curiosity.

4. Suit up:

Keep in mind that you are not going to the club or some gig, so, dress professionally. Wear neat and clean clothes. Make sure the clothes are pressed.

If you have to wear accessories keep them to a minimum, don’t overdo it.

If you are a girl, manage your curls, maybe tie them in a neat ponytail, and if you are a male, mohawks and quiffs are a no-no.

Make sure that you don’t smell, but don’t douse yourself in deodorants. Avoid smoking on that day.

5. Arrive on time:

Coming late to the interview will only work against you. Try to come 10-20 minutes before the interview. This will give you time to calm your nerves and observe other job applicants vying for the same job position as you.

6. Extra Preparations:

Pack any work sample or portfolio that you have. Make sure that you have extra copies of your resume or CV.

7. The good first impression is very important:

Often the job applicants are judged based on their first impression in the first 20 minutes. To appear confident, offer warm and polite greetings to everyone you meet, even the staff members.

Arriving on time and dressing also works in your favor. Make sure that you come off as enthusiastic about the job offer.

Also Read: IAS Preparation Tips for Beginners

8. Appear Confident:

Maintaining proper body language goes a long way. Maintaining eye contact, politely smiling, nodding, etc. are all that it takes. Fidgeting, stuttering, appearing nervous works in your favor and dwindles your chances of getting the job.

9. Do not badmouth:

Do not badmouth a previous employer or a coworker or your previous office. This is a red flag because what are the chances that after you are hired, you won’t badmouth and slander their company? No company wants to attract bad publicity.

10. End the Interview with a Thank You:

End the interview with a thank you to the interviewers. Thank them for taking the time to interview you, this shows them that you have proper manners and this again adds to your good impression.

Follow these 10 steps, and you are good to go.

All the Best!

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